Blasting Away Is MOVING! (For now atleast)   Leave a comment

I’m not sure how long the site will stay up, but I’ve gone over to selfhosting (free selfhosting :P) on a friend’s server.

The new blog can be found at either:                                 (yes i’m a cheap bastard)

OR                                       (<– this is the original web addres for when .tk doesn’t work).

There is ofcourse a new RSS feed on the new site. This old one will stay in the air for when the new one uuuh get’s cut off. WARNING: My site is very purple!

So if you want to read my new posts, check THIS!!! site now.

Posted November 27, 2010 by Kassandri in Uncategorized

20 Days of Warcraft: Day Two, Favourite Race and Why?   Leave a comment

We’ve come to the 2nd day of the 20 days of Warcraft challenge and today it will be about my favourite race. Keep in mind that the races I discuss I’ll discuss from the female point of view. I only play females, males are just a nono on my list.
Now this is a hard question seeing as I like more than one race. Let’s look at the ones I don’t like first.

Orcs, Taurens, Undead, Dwarves, Gnomes.
Orcs are a race I’ve never ever liked. The males and the females are just meh. Tauren are a race that only makes me wanna laugh, who wants to be a cow walking on it’s hind legs? Not me anyway.
As for Dwarves and Gnomes, they’re just too small and out of proportion. Undeads just creep me out due to the bones sticking out everywhere, even when wearing gear.
Now onto the races that I do like:

First off, Humans
My warrior has been a human for a long while and I really liked the race. It has a lot of benefits racial wise (especially the increased rep gain and the free pvp trinket) and two handers look absolutely awesome on a human female. It’s one of my favourite races, if not my favourite, to play as melee.

This race I like because of the lore. I’m a huge fan of nightelf lore and everything surrounding it. Also Shadowmeld is one of the best racials ingame. Especially Nightelf Druids I love and I think that with a slight hint over humans this is my favourite race.

Or Spacegoats. I don’t know what I like about them, maybe it’s their gracefullness, maybe it’s because they’re total aliens but I like their jokes, their voices and their casting animations. After a while the wiggling gets really annoying though.

Bloodelves are like the pretty dom blondes of WoW. They’re nice to look at but I always get the feeling that not much is going on in their heads. They are obviously evil in a gossip and disturbing kind of way. I like them, my pala/mage/hunter are all currently bloodelves but to be honest they bore me fast.

I know a lot of people are gonna look at me in a weird way now, but I actually kind of like trolls. They’re proportionate, have funny emotes, also have great lore and Berserking is probably my favourite Racial. I couldn’t think of any other race to roll my Warrior to and even now that I could potentially make her a bloodelf, I’ll stick to being a Troll.

All in all I think my favourite race is a tie between Humans and Nightelves, tipping the balance in the favour of Nightelves ever so slightly.

Posted November 24, 2010 by Kassandri in Randomness

20 Days of Warcraft: Day One, Favourite Class and Why?   Leave a comment

So I picked up on the 20 days of Warcraft challenge through Jaedia from Jaedia’s Menagerie and decided to give it a go. So here’s my day one: Favourite Class and Why?

This is actually an easy question for me to answer. It’s the class I play as main now, that was my first level 70, my second level 80, which I loved playing as alt but which I really came to enjoy as main again: The Warrior.
I like my warrior so much because it’s a really versatile class. When I started one I was an angry heartbroken girl (exes you know) and I wanted a character that would jush bash in enemies’ heads. I leveled my Warrior at the first half of TBC, when the experience boost wasn’t there and when epic riding was still level 60 and costed 600g. I leveled her as arms (big ass 2handed weapons hell yeah) untill Blizzard made the stupid mistake to switch some Arms and Fury talents around (Sweeping Strikes/Rampage and Weapon Specialization). Then I temporarily dropped my warrior, only to pick it up a month later again to continue leveling as prot. I tanked in TBC aslong as my pc would let me (I had an old crappy one). But to raid I switched to a priest, which I’ve played untill TOTC in Wrath. My warrior was my first alt, my pvp alt which I loved but couldn’t reroll to due to lack of healers. When I rolled Horde I switched to my Hunter but transferred my warrior over to a troll not soon after. Now I’ve been playing her as main again for a while as Fury with a Protection offspecc and I still love it as much as the day when I made the char that could bash people’s faces.
For Cataclysm I hope to be able to stay Fury DPS, preferably one handed, but two handed will do aswell. If needed I can tank aswell, but my main focus will be DPS. And you have to admit, no matter what specc they are, if you see a warrior charging at your face with one huge weapon, two huge weapons or a huge shield you always feel a little bit scared.

I have to admit tho, I am a bit of an althoholic. I currently have 7 level 80’s and I find joy in playing them all. But I love my warrior the most.

Posted November 23, 2010 by Kassandri in Randomness

Epic Quest: Scepter of the Shifting Sands, Green and Red Dragon Chain   Leave a comment

The second part of the scepter I decided to pick up was the part held by the Green Dragonflight, or to be more specific, Eranikus.

Now Eranikus can be found in Sunken Temple. If you’ve run the instance enough, and if you have picked up the quest item he drops, you know he’s become corrupted by the old Gods and therefore had to be killed. However if you take his Essence you can deliver it to his brother (after which the chain stops). Apparently he was however also the guardian of 1/4th of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands.
I travelled to the Sunken Temple and cleared everything up to Eranikus. Before you engage him however, an image of Malfurion Stormrage appears telling you that the only way to obtain the Scepter Shard is to make Eranikus manifest in the normal world (he’s trapped in the Emerald Dream). To start the endeavour to get Eranikus manifested Malfurion sent me to Darnassus. Which was quite a pain seeing as I’m A: Horde and B: Ofcourse there happened to be level 80 alliance there all to willing to gank me. I got away (luckily) and found the agent, a Forest Wisp right outside Darnassus on the Teldrassil side of the city. The Wips then told me that Tyrande has been notified of Malfurion’s plan and sends me to Moonglade.

When you get to Moonglade, you get to talk to keeper Remulos, one of the Sons of Cenarius. He sends you to get parts of the Nightmare’s corruption, something he needs to summon Eranikus to the living realm. You have to pick those parts, 4 of them in total, up near the portals into the Emerald Dream which are scattered over Azeroth. I decided to go to the portals in Ashenvale and Feralas first since I was on Kalimdor anyway and read that they increased the droprate of the figments to 100% from the little elite dragonkins that patrol the areas there. So I hopped on some mounts and flightpaths and killed some “portal trash” at Ashenvale, Feralas and Hinterlands. The last step was Duskwood and surprise! Ysondre (the World dragon boss) was walking around there. I asked my boyfriend to help me kill her, we eventually did while getting sleeped all the time (damn clouds) and I even got a nice quest item I’ll tell you about later. Anyway at the Duskwood portal I had to kill an elite satyr. The first time my boyfriend helped, he got mind controlled and killed me (like usual) so the second time I just soloed the satyr. Don’t be fooled, he had 323k HP and put up a hell of a fight. After that I had all four fragments and made my way back to Moonglade to hand them in to keeper Remulos.

Back in Moonglade I asked my boyfriend and a friend of mine to help me out with the outdoor raid that wouls tart as soon as you picked up the quest you got after delivering the Nightmare Corruption fragments. I read stories about it being a hassle but with 3 people the quest was a piece of pie. Keeper Remulos summons Eranikus at the lake and then runs to a house in Nighthaven. First a shitload of shades spawned that got stronger everytime they killed a player or an NPC. I read stories about people being overrun but we had no problems dealing with them (although an unfortunate Alliance druid got owned :P). After we’d killed enough shades, Eranikus landed (he was flying before) and we engaged him and nuked him down to about 20%. We saw Tyrande yelling the whole time but she was bugged because she didn’t appear! Anyway at 20% the fight stops, Eranikus is cleansed and chats a bit with keeper Remulos. At the end he entrusts his shard to keeper Remulos and returns to the Emerald Dream to aid Malfurion Stormrage and Ysera fight against the Nightmare. You have to get back to the place where Remulos stands, get your shard and then you’re done with the Green Dragon Chain!


Originally I wanted to give the Red Dragon Chain a post of it’s own, but because it’s so short I included it here. I did the Red Dragon Chain together with the Draconic for Dummies part from the Blue Dragon Chain. During that run I also acquired enough Elementium Ingots to not have to go to BWL again. Anyway here we go.

For the Red Dragon Chain you are sent to Blackwing Lair. More specifically to Vaelastraz who is being corrupted by Nefarian. Before you engage Vaelastraz I talked to him and picked up the quest for the scepter shard which was infact quite easy. Kill Nefarian within 5 hours of killing Vaelastraz. So we did and I got my Scepter Shard!

Posted November 10, 2010 by Kassandri in Achievements, Classes, Quests, Warrior

Epic Quest: Scepter of the Shifting Sands, Blue Dragon Chain   Leave a comment

As you read in the previous Epic Quest post, Anachronos mentioned the three other dragons that have a part of the Scepter. After doing some research I decided to start on the part from Azuregos, the Blue dragon, because it’s the longest chain of the three and it can be paired with the chain from the red dragon (both have parts that take place in Blackwing Lair). To find Azuregos I had to go to Azshara. He patrols in the Southeastern part of the region and after running around for a good 10 minutes I found him.

From the conversation with Azuregos you learn that he is no longer the master of his part of the Scepter. He created a minnow and entrusted his part to that creature. To find the minnow you need to have an Arcanite Buoy, something which can only be created by a gnome in Tanaris named Narain Soothfancy. Azuregos gives you a magical ledger at the end of the conversation and you are supposed to bring that to Narain Soothfancy.

When you find Narain (he’s a bit north of Steamwheedle Port) he tells you that he can’t read the magical ledger and that he needs you to get some stuff before he can start on the Arcanite Buoy.
He gives you three quests. The first starts a chain to find “Draconic for Dummies” so that he can read the ledger. This chain will lead you through Blackwin Lair, Onyxia’s Lair and Molten Core. I decided to save that one for last. The second quest is to get Narain’s Scrying Goggles which are stolen from him by his ex BFF. Again I chose to save that one due to having to go into the Molten Core. Finally he gives you a quest to obtain a 500 pound chicken. I chose to do that one first.

The 500 pound chicken quest starts off in Gadgetzan at the butcher in the inn named Dirge Quickcleave. When you hand in the starter quest, “Never Ask Me About My Business”, he sends you to The Isle of Dread in Feralas to kill Chimaeroks for their meat and their leader’s carcass (Lakmaeran). The carcass should go for a 500 pound chicken, the meat is to satisfy the butcher.
The Isle of Dread is located in Western Feralas underneath the isle that has Feathermoon Stronghold on it. DO NOT TRY TO SWIM THERE, you’ll die of fatigue. Instead take the boat to Feathermoon Stronghold or swim there, then swim down to the Isle of Dread from that island. Take the eastern beach on the map, that will give you acces to the Chimaeroks.
The normal Chimaeroks have about 22-32k hp, easily soloable as fury warrior, but the droprate on the meats is horrid, only 7 on my first clear. They also have a 30 min respawn timer. The boss (Lord Lakmaeran) has 323k HP and is doable since he doesn’t do that much damage, he guarantees a Carcass drop. However you’ll have to camp on the isle for a bit untill you get 20 meats, it took me a total of 3 clears to get all (a total of 1.5 hours waiting time).
After you’ve acquired the meats go back to Tanaris and you get a follow up quest which requires 20 deeprock salt (best place for these are from the elite rocks down in south Tanaris near uldum) and 20 Goblin Rocket Fuel. To get the rocket fuel you need 1: A Goblin Engineer and 2: An Alchemist. I had an Alchemist myself, I just struggled a bit to find the Engineer. One of the ingredients for the Rocket Fuel is Volatile Rum. As Alliance you can get this from one of the vendors after you’ve killed Saurfang in ICC. As Horde you want a nice Alliance/Alliance alt or a lot of patience getting these things off pirates.  After you’ve completed that quest you get the 500 pound chicken for Narain and an epic cooking recipe: Dirge’s Kicking Chimaerok Chops.

The next quest I decided to pick up was the Draconic for Dummies questline. First off you have to get to an Isle way south of Tanaris. It’s really hard to get there, I died once of fatigue. The trick is that there is a mermaid who wants you to get a love letter to Narain. Do that quest and get back to her after that. She buffs you with a swim speed buff that should push you right onto the first island. The book is on the second island.
Once on the second island you discover that the book is gone and in it’s place there’s a ransom letter. Get the letter to Narain. He’ll then send you to Winterspring to see who’s behind all this. And surprise surprise: It’s an evil gnome! After Doctor Weavil recognizes you he calls a huge ape named Number Two to deal with you. Kill the ape (He’s really easy on 80) and get back to Narain.
When you’re back at Narain he sends you to pick up the chapters of Draconic for Dummies which are scattered all over the place. Nefarian, Onyxia and Ragnaros all drop a chapter. One chapter is found in Undercity in the Mage quarter, another chapter in the Stormwind Library. One chapter drops off one of the demon mobs in southern Winterspring, another chapter drops off a demon in the Blasted Lands and one chapter is dropped by Doctor Weavil himself, he is on Alcaz Island in Dustwallow Marsh. note of caution here, doctor Weavil MC’s for 2 mins. Once you are MCed you can’t escape (I tried soloing him and was stuck for 30 mins before my BF came to the rescue) so bring a few friends along! Once you’ve obtained all chapters you bind them together and hand the book in at Narain. Another problem was obtaining the chapter from Onyxia. She Didn’t Drop It -.-, needless to say I was furious, ticketed a GM (fuming with anger I might add) and amazingly enough got a response in less than 2 hours. Where the GM told me that I was eligible (or something like that) for the item and he/she had send it to my ingame mail (it was a friendly GM I might add :D). I squeeled and picked it up and handed the quest in, getting the “Kill Onyxia on Level 60” achievement on the way. It’s probably a bugg, but if I get to keep it I’m happy with it!

The last quest is to acquire Narain’s Scrying Goggles from his ex BFF who hid in southern Silverpine Forest, right at the Greymane Wall. Once you get there he sends you to Molten Core where the Goggles have a 100% dropchance off the trashmobs. Kill a mob, get the goggles and hand them in to Narain.

Now the most annoying part of the chain. Once you’ve done all the prequests Narain asks you to get the materials he needs to make the Arcanite Buoy. These are: 10 Elementium Ingots (only dropped by goblins in BWL), 20 Arcanite bars (an alchemist can transmute them using a Thorium bar and an Arcane crystal), 10 Blue Sapphires and 10 Azerothian Diamonds. If you’re very rich you can buy all these materials off the AH. When I took this part of the quest I already had 7/10 Elementium Ingots, some Arcanite bars and none of the gems. Luckily a friend of mine was on the same part of the quest, he had mined a boatload of Thorium, and could provide me with the 10 Blue Sapphires and the 10 Azerothian Diamonds. The remaining 3 Elementium Ingots I received in 2 BWL runs, one my main and one on my alt. After some AH scouring for Arcane Crystals I made all my Arcanite Bars aswell. I handed the quest in and got the Arcanite Buoy.

The last part of the quest I 2 manned with a friend who was also on the quest. We summoned the “minnow”, a shark called Maws and he was actually a quite easy kill. Due to him only dropping 1 Scepter Shard at a time so we had to kill him twice for both of us to get it. I finally had my Blue Scepter Shard!

My excuses for not implementing a lot of pictures, but it all went so fast that I completely forgot to make screenshots :<

Posted November 9, 2010 by Kassandri in Achievements, Classes, Quests, Warrior

Epic Quest: Scepter of the Shifting Sands pt. 1   Leave a comment

So… I have decided to start one of the longest, most epic questchains Azeroth can give a player thus far. And one that is going to be removed when the Cataclysm hits our beautiful lands: The Scepter of the Shifting Sands questchain.

When I started the prequests I was already on 33.8/36k hated due to running AQ 40 a couple of times, once a full clear and others for mounts (I have all 4 colours). Yesterday I picked up the second quest (I had done the first, find Anachronos near the Caverns of Time) and hopped to Blackwing Lair to get the head of Broodlord Lashlayer. We cleared the entire instance (not a single Elementium Ore dropped :<) and I got some money, and ofcourse my head. Today I handed the quest in and got the repeatable quest to obtain 200 Silithid Fragments for 500 rep per turnin. After some quick calculations I figured I had to get 2400 fragments to become neutral, and for a person that detests grinding I went looking for other options.
What I found was that the trash mobs (Anubisath Sentinels and Obsidian Overseers) give 100 rep each when killed untill you hit Neutral or Friendly. So I took my boyfriend to AQ4 on his paladin (he still wanted the red and the yellow mount) and after about 8 runs killing the first 11 trashmobs I hit neutral with Brood of Nozdormu. Luckily enough my boyfriend got both his mounts so he was a happy camper aswell.

After hitting neutral I got send back to Anachronos who wanted me to go to the gates of AQ, look for a tiny red crystal (with a huge yellow question mark floating above it) and learn the secrets of the past. I saw how the gates of AQ were closed and that three dragons sacrificied themselves doing so. I also saw that Fandral Staghelm wanted nothing to do with the dragons anymore and that Anachronos the Ancient (aka his past self) picked up the fragments of the scepter that Fandral Staghelm destroyed. After that you get sent back to Anachronos at the Caverns of Time again and he hints that he has 1/4 of the scepter and that the other three parts are to be looked for at Eranikus (The ghost in Sunken Temple), Vaelastraz (the red dragon in Blackwing Lair) and Azuregos (the blue dragon walking around in Aszhara).

And that’s actually where the real hard part starts. On the next few days I’ll post the Red dragon chain, the Blue dragon chain and the Green dragon chain in obtaining the Scepter.
For all the people that want to do this quest also before it disappears. If you want to farm Brood of Nozdormu rep, DO NOT DO THE REPEATABLE ONLY. The best way to get rep is to get a friend, clear the trash before the first boss (which is 11 mobs x 100 rep = 1.1k rep) and keep resetting untill you’re locked out of the instance. Inbetween lockouts do the repeatable quest. You’ll get to neutral fastest this way.

Posted November 2, 2010 by Kassandri in Achievements, Classes, Quests, Warrior

The Arduous Professions Journey   Leave a comment

Recently I’ve taken it upon myself to max out multiple professions, spread across multiple chars, before Cataclysm hits. The number one reason I’m doing this is simply because of the money. I have very few usefull professions at the moment and basicly am much too lazy to grind. I currently have Mining/Blacksmithing on my warrior (maxed), Leatherworking/Skinning on my hunter (maxed), Alchemy/Herbalism on my paladin (maxed), Tailoring/Jewelcrafting on my retired priest (maxed) and Mining (maxed)/Engineering (around 430) on my Rogue on Silvermoon. Due to me seeing Vashj Horde as main server/side still you can see that the professions I have there are either Gathering professions (Mining, Skinning, Herbalism), Gear Professions (Blacksmithing, Leatherworking) and one Raid Profession (being Alchemy). For money making these Professions aren’t suited best with the current market. The big sellers are (and have been for a while) Enchanting and Jewelcrafting and (to an extent) Inscription.
Now I’ve always wanted an Enchanting char simply because I never had one and want to make loads of money with it! My first choice for Enchanting went to my Shaman which unfortunately I’ve stopped leveling for a while (was kinda sick of leveling ..) and she’s stuck at 222 at the moment. I’ve also chosen to get Inscription on her which I’ve been leveling for 2 days and am as far as 185. The Herbs I farm myself on my paladin.
My second choice for Enchanting was my mage, simply because it sounds magey and as mage it’s easier to farm mats needed for enchanting, currently I’m stuck on 278 enchanting on her and am running Stratholme for Runecloths so I can let my BF make Runecloth Belts for me on his warlock, so that I can Disenchant them into Dream Dusts. I need about 5 Dusts per skillup point now so I’m in a tough spot as far as leveling the profession goes.

I also hope to level Engineering to 450 on my rogue altho I’m prioritizing the Enchanting and Inscription on my mage and shaman. I also picked up Jewelcrafting on my mage, but I just started out (currently at 50) and I plan to finish Enchanting before I dive into a next profession.

I have to say though that farming materials all day is taking it’s toll a bit. On the one side I don’t mind it at all seeing as it’s something different from raiding, PvPing and grinding for achievements. I make some nice money with it, putting all the glyphs I make on the AH aswell as any excess enchanting mats, and I love the way how enchanting mats look. My enchanting bag is so nice and bright and colorful! On the other side running an instance completely for Mageweave/Runecloth and running around in circles in Stranglethorn Vale all day kind of makes me completely zone out. It’s gone as bad as that I zone out in the middle of a conversation with someone, just tunnelvisioning onto herbs and cloths and not noticing anything else. This for me feels bad because people sometimes have to repeat things up to three times before they finally catch my attention. However I do want to be done with farming sooner rather than later so I’ll take the zoning out for what it is and hope to be done as soon as I possibly can be done.

For now I’ll leave you with my current situation:

  • Ileana (Shaman): 222 Enchanting/185 Inscription
  • Sandrina (Mage): 278 Enchanting/50 Jewelcrafting
  • Hyourinmaru (Rogue): 430 Engineering

I hope to get atleast 3 of these professions to 450 before Cataclysm comes out. When I do, I’ll update my blog!

Posted October 25, 2010 by Kassandri in Mage, Professions, Rogue, Shaman

A Ranty Warrior Post   Leave a comment

So I haven’t posted for a while, again, due to RL kicking in, again, and the launch of patch 4.0.1, something a lot of people have been looking forward to, me included, and also has caused a lot of drama, me included… So where to begin?

Let’s start pre patch. I still raid on my warrior almost every night and as a lot of other warriors I was used to being in top 3 damage on a lot of fights, especially Saurfang and Festergut. I did decently in PvP as prot and arms and had nothing to complain about really (except for that damned Baron Rivendare mount DAMN U BARON!).
Then was the day of patch 4.0.1, a day that will stick to me like a nasty fly because it was the day Blizzard killed Warriors, Ferals, Retri’s, MM hunters and Combat rogues and boosted Shadowpriests, Mages and Warlocks beyond belief. When I had to raid on my warrior the night of that famous patch I almost cried. My warrior damage was GONE. I barely hit 9k on saurfang, a fight where I was used to pulling 16k DPS. I had lost 7k DPS due to Blizzard making  a mistake with scaling ArP dependant classes. Soon the forums were flooded with complaints which led Blizzard to create an emergency patch, boosting Retridins, Warriors and Ferals and nerfing SP’s, Warlocks and Mages. Although that emergency patch saved warrior dps it came with a price:
What this basically means is that every fury warrior, albeit 1handed fury, needs to have 27% hit from gear. The last 3% they need (30% hit is currently the white cap) comes from the specc. Why do warriors need this kind of hit you ask? Well this is due to the new rage mechanic. Warriors only generate rage when they hit a target. The more they hit, the more rage they generate. This is not influenced by critical strikes, however it can be influenced by haste. Because the more you hit the more rage you generate you can’t really afford to miss any attack because this will lead to rage starvation (something I experienced firsthand). This means that Warriors had to, and have to, reforge all their gear to HIT especially when they’re not lucky enough to dualwield Cryptmaker (mace with hit and crit). And then they probably still have to gem or enchant a little to get to the cap.
For me this change was extra dramatic seeing as I was running around with (previous) best in slot Leather gear. Due to Plate specialization those gearpieces went from BiS to utterly useless and the only gear I had to replace my Leather pieces with was PvP gear. At the moment I ticketed Blizzard if they could be so kind to give me back my old plate bracers which had hit but which I sold (silly me). And I’m currently working on the pattern ICC boots to replace my PvP boots with. All in all my warrior has dropped about 1.5k attack power and 20% crit due to all these massive changes and I’m not liking it one bit. So far I’m as far as not playing my warrior at all when I don’t have to because every time I do I feel gimped beyond belief. Don’t get me wrong, the damage boost was quite nice, but seeing your heroic Deathbringers Will trinket reforged to hit makes you wanna die a little on the inside. So I mostly log on my warrior to raid nowadays and for the Headless Horseman mount which is available these few weeks.

For PvP the situation is much much worse. Due to PvP being heavily unbalanced, although Blizzard said they fixed it, it’s nigh impossible to play Arms correctly. After a few Battlegrounds I gave up because playing as Arms Warrior now equals free kills. Even Fury is better of now, especially as 1 handed, because the damage output is insane and they too have a healing debuff if they specc for it. I have yet to try Fury in the battlegrounds though because I’m still a free kill if there’s no healer to cover my lovely troll ass. I feel nerfed, underpowered and sad about the current state the Warrior is in. I really do hope it sorts out by the time we all hit 85 but for now I rather not set foot in BG’s on my warrior… Which brings me to scrape the 25k honorable kills achievement from my Cataclysm “to do” list and change it to something else…

That something else being my mage. I rolled her horde (I was really sick of being so small :<) and am doing BG’s untill my fingers bleed on her. I recently discovered the joy of being a Frost Mage and so far I’m loving it to bits and pieces. I literally can own ANYONE in the battlegrounds. It’s so nice and the total opposite of playing my warrior. Especially now that you can get full Wrathful gear (except for the shoulders) I’ve been farming honor like crazy trying to deck her out in decent PvP gear. With every upgraded piece I can actually see my survivability and damage going up and up. So far I picked up the Wrathful head, Relentless Chest, Wrathful Haste Neck, Wrathful Haste Offhand and Wrathful Haste Bracers. Next up on the list are the Wrathful Haste boots. After that it’s probably the pants but we’ll see. For now I’m killing Alliance like a real killing machine and am up to 2.2k Honorable Kills in less than a week (not bad for someone that has to go to school and stuff right? :D). I also managed to get the Headless Horseman mount on her (I rather see it on my warrior though) so I’m riding around on that making some people very very jealous.

I actually have much much more to tell but atm I wanted to get the ranty part of my chest and let you guys read what I’m doing (I had to shutdown WoW when writing this because I don’t want to miss a single BG queue on my mage hehe). Another post is on the way on the situation of my other blog and the current status of my baby druid. See you all later!

Posted October 23, 2010 by Kassandri in Mage, Professions, PvP, Raiding, Warrior

A Little Side Project   Leave a comment

I haven’t been blogging much at all lately, this is due to school and WoW being a bit more demanding of my time than usual. One of the reasons I’ve been spending so much time on WoW is because I finally levelled a class to 80 that I have been wanting to play since I first laid eyes on the game: A Druid.
Tonight I dinged 80 after doing the first 60 levels with RAF and the last 20 with levelling my way alone through Outlands and Northrend. All this time I’ve levelled as Balance since I disliked feral… I already have a rogue and it feels much to roguey for me. Now that I’m 80 I decided to go Restoration as mainspecc. Ever since I’ve abandoned my priest I never really healed on a char again (some attempts on my paladin though) so I decided to try out druid healing and I really feel comfortable doing it. It (to me) feels similar to priesthealing, with lots of AoE healing, and that’s probably the reason why I like Restoration so much.

As for now the big gear grind has begun again starting with nothing but blues and the two Brewfest trinkets I was able to get my hands on before it ended (I actually dinged 78 about half an hour before Brewfest ended :P). Mostly I’ll be getting offset items since with the upcoming patch all your emblems are going to be transformed into Justice Points anyway and I want to save up for tier 10.

Unfortunately I’m really inspirationless at the moment so I just made this little post to let you guys know what I’m doing right now. Oh… And meet Jhaelyn, my lovely new level 80 Restoration Nightelf Druid!

Posted October 7, 2010 by Kassandri in Achievements, Leveling, Randomness

A New (Old) Guild And A Fresh Start   Leave a comment

After a few weeks of schoolstress and guilddrama I decided that Vera Illumination wasn’t the guild for me. I talked things over with my boyfriend and he agreed that we could no longer stay there if we wanted to see progress and, even more important, a stable guild. Vera stabilized for about a week and then fell back into it’s old pattern. I discovered some skeletons in closets and when the GM wanted to repromote one of the officers that was the major cause of our guildproblems it was the final straw for me. I left Vera and got back into my old guild: Dice. I feel more comfortable here than I ever was in Vera and I don’t regret the decision at all.

There are however also some downsides here. I will be starting out as trial again, not that I need the loot, but I will have to work my way up again. On one side it’s nice to have that fresh start, but on the other side it’s really annoying with Cataclysm mere weeks away (I hope atleast). Anyway, I genuinely feel like I could stay in Dice for a long time, and I hope to be there when they down the first bosses, and hopefully the last ones too, in Cataclysm. For now I’m hoping to get promoted to member as soon as possible.

Posted September 19, 2010 by Kassandri in Randomness